Waktu Indonesia Barat

Sabtu, 09 April 2011


Musim pertama: The Shinigami

Cerita ini dimulai dengan kehidupan seorang siswa SMA bernama Ichigo Kurosaki di Kota Karakura yang bisa melihat roh. Pada awalnya Ichigo hanya dapat melihat roh biasa dari orang yang sudah meninggal, namun hal itu berubah ketika suatu hari dia bertemu dengan seorang wanita berpakaian kimono hitam di kamarnya. Wanita tersebut merupakan shinigami yang bernama Rukia Kuchiki. Kedatangannya disebabkan oleh kekuatan spiritual seekor hollow, sebuah roh yang jahat. hollow yang dimaksud tiba-tiba datang dan menyerang keluarga Ichigo karena merasakan kekuatan spiritual Ichigo yang besar. Ichigo kemudian terlibat dalam perkelahian dengan hollow yang telah melukai keluarganya, walaupun Rukia yang seharusnya melawan hollow tersebut sudah melarang Ichigo sebelumnya. Karena ketidakmampuan Ichigo untuk mengalahkan hollow tersebut, akibatnya Rukia terluka parah ketika mencoba menolong Ichigo. Untuk mengalahkan hollow itu hanya ada satu cara; yaitu dengan meminjamkan sebagian kekuatan shinigami milik Rukia ke Ichigo. Sayangnya dalam proses tersebut terjadi ketidaksengajaan, Ichigo mengambil semua kekuatan spiritual Rukia dan membuatnya kehilangan kekuatan shinigami. Akibatnya, Ichigo kemudian menjelma sebagai shinigami dan mengalahkan hollow tersebut.

Hari berikutnya, Rukia muncul di kelas Ichigo sebagai murid pindahan. Apalagi, kali ini Rukia terlihat seperti manusia biasa dan bisa dilihat oleh teman sekelasnya. Rukia memberitahu Ichigo bahwa kekuatan yang ajaib pada roh Ichigo-lah yang membuatnya mampu menyerap seluruh kekuatannya, dan membuatnya harus berpidah ke dalam gigai, tubuh manusia tiruan. Sementara menunggu kekuatan shinigami-nya pulih kembali, Rukia kemudian memutuskan untuk tinggal sementara di dunia manusia. Ichigo harus menggantikan pekerjaannya menjaga kota Karakura, melawan hollow, dan membawa roh yang gentayangan di dunia manusia menuju Soul Society.

Musim kedua: The Soul Society

Setelah sekitar dua bulan, akhirnya dua pengejar dari Soul Society datang ke dunia manusia untuk membawa kembali Rukia, yang akan dieksekusi. Karena Rukia telah memberikan kekuatan shinigami-nya yang merupakan kejahatan kelas satu dan juga karena ia terlalu lama tinggal di dunia manusia.

Kedua pengejar adalah Renji Abarai (teman masa kecil Rukia) dan Byakuya Kuchiki, yang tak lain adalah kakak Rukia. Ishida yang pada saat itu keluar tidak sengaja melihat Rukia sedang dikejar oleh Byakuya dan Renji, ia berusaha menolong Rukia akan tetapi oleh Byakuya dikalahkan dalam sekejap dan tak lama setelah itu Ichigo datang untuk menolong Rukia dan saat Ichigo hampir berhasil mengalahkan Renji, pedang Ichigo patah dan akhirnya Byakuya menghabisi Ichigo dan menghilangkan kekuatan shinigami-nya dan Rukia pun meninggalkan Ichigo di tengah hujan.

Ichigo yang tersadar akhirnya memutuskan untuk berlatih mengembalikan kekuatannya bersama Urahara di tempat rahasia di dalam toko. Inoue, Chad, dan Ishida pun juga ikut berlatih bersama Yoruichi. Uruhara mengatakan bahwa cara yang tercepat untuk menjadi seorang shinigami adalah dengan menyeberang dari hollow. Dan akhirnya Ichigo pun menjadi seorang shinigami dengan kekuatannya sendiri meski ada hollow di dalam rohnya.

Tak lama setelah itu akhirnya mereka berangkat menuju Soul Society. Masuk ke dalam Soul Society bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah, karena ada penjaga dan kubah yang melindunginya. Dengan bantuan Ganju dan kakak perempuannya mereka dapat masuk. Ganju pun membantu mereka di dalam. Di Soul Society mereka harus berhadapan dengan kekuatan 13 pasukan divisi shinigami. Bahkan harus berhadapan dengan wakil kapten maupun kapten yang kekuatannya di luar dugaan. Bahkan saat menghadapi Kenpachi Zaraki, Ichigo terluka parah dan pedangnya pun patah. Namun akhirnya Ichigo berhasil bertemu Rukia di menara putih walau hanya sesaat. Pada saat Ichigo bertemu Rukia, Byakuya pun datang dan melawan Ichigo, pada saat itu Yoruichi datang dan membawa Ichigo pergi untuk dilatih bankai oleh Yoruichi.

Di pihak lain ternyata ada konfrontasi antara Aizen Sasuke, Gin Ichimaru, dan Kaname Tousen. Masing-masing adalah kapten divisi 5, 3, dan 9. Aizen yang sebelumnya menghipnotis semua orang yang ada di Soul Society dengan menggunakan kekuatan zanpakuto miliknya, berpura-pura telah dibunuh agar semua orang mengira dia mati. Saat itu dia merencanakan untuk mendapatkan Hougyoku (bola arwah yang mempunyai kekuatan luar biasa, yang ditanam Uruhara di tubuh Rukia. Hitsugaya Toshiro (kapten divisi 10) yang mengetahui hal ini sempat bertanding dengan Aizen yang sebelumnya telah menusuk wakil Aizen sendiri (Hinamori Momo).

Setelah Ichigo berhasil berlatih bankai, dia kembali ke tempat eksekusi. Dalam penyelamatan Rukia ini, ternyata kapten divisi 8 (Kyoraku Shunsui) dan kapten divisi 13 (Ukitake Jushiro) membantu Ichigo. Bahkan mereka berhadapan dengan guru mereka sendiri yaitu komandan seluruh kapten (Kapten Divisi 1), Genryusai Yamamoto. Renji Abarai yang sebelumnya berhadapan dengan Byakuya, membawa kabur Rukia. Tak hanya itu, Kenpachi Zaraki yang semula melawan Ichigo pun membantu membebaskan Rukia dan berhadapan dengan Kaname Tousen dan Komamura Saijin (Kapten Divisi 7), mereka berdua mengeluarkan bankai, tapi Kenpachi tidak kalah. Ichigo yang berhadapan dengan Byakuya, dan Byakuya yang terkejut bahwa Ichigo mempunyai bankai.

Renji Abarai yang membawa Rukia akhirnya dihadang oleh Aizen Sasuke, Gin Ichimaru, dan Kaname Tousen. Dengan kekuatan Tousen membawa mereka kembali ke tempat eksekusi,dan ternyata kisuke menyembunyikan hougyoku di dalam gigai milik rukia. Tapi semua akhirnya tahu bahwa musuh mereka yang sebenarnya adalah Aizen, Tousen, dan Ichimaru. Di sinilah akhirnya Ichigo dan kapten yang lain berusaha mati-matian mencegah Aizen mendapatkan Hougyoku. Tapi Aizen tetap mendapatkannya. Aizen, Ichimaru, dan Tousen pun akhirnya pergi di hadapan mereka semua dan berkata akan menghancurlan Soul Society dan menguasai dunia.

Musim ketiga : The Hueco MundoAizen yang telah mendapatkan Hougyoku membangun kekuatan untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya. Bersama Tousen dan Ichimaru serta para Arrancar (evolusi tertinggi dari hollow yang mempunyai pedang zanpakuto seperti shinigami) mereka berada di dunia para hollow (Hueco Mundo). Sedangkan para Arrancar sendiri ada yang disebut Espada, Arrancar mempunyai nomor yang diberikan Aizen, mempunyai kekuatan yang hebat berdasarkan urutan nomor mereka. Kedatangan Arrancar yang pertama, Ulqiora Schiffer (nomor 4) dan Yammi (nomor 10) yang menyerang manusia-manusia termasuk Tatsuki (teman Ichigo) membuat Chad dan Orihime hampir dibunuh oleh Yammi. Untung Ichigo datang tepat waktu. Walaupun kalah (karena gangguan hollow yang ada di tubuh Ichigo), Uruhara dan Yoruichi datang menyelamatkan Ichigo. Ini membuat Soul Society mengirim Hitsugaya, Matsumoto (wakil Hitsugaya), Renji, Yamichika, dan Ikkaku. Yamichika dan Ikkaku adalah orang di posisi 3 dan 4 di bawah Kenpachi, harus berjaga-jaga di dunia manusia.

Serangan tak hanya itu saja, Grimmjow (nomor 6) beserta 4 teman Arrancar yang lain menyerang. Kali ini yang harus berhadapan adalah Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, Renji, Yamichika, dan Ikkaku. Bahkan Ikkaku harus mengeluarkan bankai yang tidak ia pernah keluarkan sebelumnya. Untung saja izin mengeluarkan batas maksimal dari Soul Society dikabulkan sehingga yang semula Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, dan Renji mempunyai kekuatan yang terbatas saat datang ke Dunia Nyata dapat melawan Arrancar dengan kekuatan penuh. Ichigo sendiri mati-matian berhadapan dengan Grimmjow, Ichigo terluka parah sedangkan Grimmjow terluka bakar karena serangan jurus bankai dari Ichigo, Getsuga Tenshou. Di tengah pertarungan antara Ichigodan Grimmjow, Tousen datang dan membawa pulang Grimmjow ke Hueco Mundo.

Ichigo sempat bertemu dengan Hirako, seorang Vizard (sekelompok orang yang mempunyai kekuatan shinigami dan hollow), memutuskan untuk berlatih dengan para Vizard bagaimana cara mengendalikan hollow yang ada di dalam rohnya. Ishida pun yang kehilangan kekuatannya berlatih dengan ayahnya. Chad berlatih dengan Renji, dan Orihime dengan Rukia. Di saat latihan mereka, Aizen berencana membawa Orihime ke Hueco Mundo setelah melihat kekuatannya yang luar biasa, dan mempersiapkan penyerangan dengan mendatangkan dan menghidupkan dua Arrancar baru.

Akhirnya Grimmjow, Yammi dan dua Arrancar baru tersebut menyerang kembali. Grimmjow tetap melawan Ichigo, dan yang lain tetap melawan Hitsugaya, Matsumoto, Yamichika, dan Ikkaku. Saat bertarung, Ichigo mencoba kekuatan topeng hollow-nya yang luar biasa, tetapi karena waktu penggunaannya masih terbatas, dia kalah. Saat pihak Ichigo mulai terdesak, Ulquiora mengacam Orihime untuk ke Hueco Mundo. Orihime terpaksa pergi ke Hueco Mundo sehari sesudahnya karena dia telah mengenakan gelang Arrancar. Di saat itu Rukia dan Hirako datang membantu Ichigo, Uruhara membantu Hitsugaya.

Ichigo yang sedih karena kehilangan Orihime, ia berusaha datang ke Hueco Mundo sendiri karena Soul Society tidak memberikan bantuan apa-apa. Tetapi ternyata Chad dan Ishida yang selama ini melatih kekuatan mereka pergi ke Hueco Mundo bersama. Di sana Ichigo bertemu dengan kelompok Arrancar yang baik. Berhadapan dengan banyak musuh, tapi datang bantuan dari Renji dan Rukia atas perintah Byakuya meski Kapten Komandan Yamamoto tidak mengizinkan. Rukia yang berhadapan dengan Espada Arroniro Aleri ( Espada 9) dan mengalami luka yang cukup parah dantak sadarkan diri meski membuat Arroniro tewas. Renji dan Ishida yang berhadapan dengan Szayel Apporo ( Espada 8) bahakan harus bertarung mati-matian. Ichigo yang akhirnya kembali berhadapan dengan Grimmjow mengeluarkan sepenuh tenaganya.

Musim Keempat : The World

Saat tenaga Ichigo terkuras setelah menghadapi Grimmjow, serangan dari Espada Noitra (nomor 5) membuat Ichigo kewalahan. Nel (salah satu kelompok Arrancar yang baik) pun terpaksa berubah wujud jadi Nel yang asli dan ternyata dia adalah mantan Espada nomor 3. Nel pun tak bisa berbuat apa-apa saat dia kembali ke wujud asalnya. Ichigo yang setengah mati akhirnya mendapat bantuan dari Kapten Kenpachi. Dan berhasil mengalahkan Noitra. Dipihak lain, Rukia yang terbujur tak sadarkan diri, hampir dibunuh oleh Zommari Leroux (Espada nomor 7), untung datang Byakuya Kuchiki. Meski sempat terluka, Byakuya akhirnya mampu mengalahkan Leroux. Renji dan Ishida yang telah sekarat menghadapi Szayel Apporo ( Espada 8 ) dibantu oleh Kapten Mayuri. Kapten Unohana datang dan mencoba mengobati Chad yang terluka akibat Notoira. Di saat yang tidak terduga, Stark ( Espada nomor 1) datang menculik kembali Inoue. Ichigo pun mengejarnya dan berhadapan dengan Ulquiorra.

Disini season ini juga diceritakan bahwa para vizard ternyata adalah para mantan kapten dan wakil kapten Gotei 13 pada 100 tahun yang lalu. Urahara sebagai kapten divisi 12 dan wakilnya Hiyori. Dikisahkan bahwa pengkhianatan Aizen, Ichimaru dan Tousen telah berlangsung sejak dulu. Aizen yang saat itu masih menjadi wakil dari Hirako Shinji. Aizen yang melakukan penelitian tentang Hollowfication membuat resah penduduk Soul Society, ini membuat Gotei 13 yang tidak mengetahui bahwa Aizen dibalik semua ini. Urahara saat itu sedang membuat dan meneliti Hougyoku meminta Mayuri ( yang saat itu masih di penjara akibat penelitian terlarang tentang Quincy) untuk membantunya. Ichimaru dan Tousen yang saat itu masih menduduki posisi 3 di divisinya masing-masing ikut membantu Aizen. Korban-korban Aizen akibat Hollowfication adalah Muruguma Kensei, Kuna Mashiro, Sarugaki Hiyori, Aikawa love, Rose, Lisa Yadomaru, Hachi ( Kidou Corp) dan Hirako Shinji (Kesemuanya akhirnya menjadi Vizard). Urahara yang mengetahui rencana Aizen berusaha menolong kedelapan kapten dan wakil kapten temannya itu, tetapi Soul Society malah menganggap bahwa Urahara adalah penyebabnya. Dengan Di bantu Yoruichi, mereka sembunyi di dunia nyata.

Kembali ke masa sekarang, Aizen yang ingin membuat The King Key di kota Karakuara, dengan maksud menghancurkan kota tersebut, berhadapan dengan kekuatan 13 pasukan Shinigami. Kekuatan Shinigami memang berkurang, karena 4 kapten yang lain terkunci di Hueco Mundo. Apalagi Aizen membawa 3 Espada terkuatnya (nomor 1,2,3). Kota Karakura yang telah dipindahkan ke Soul Society dengan bantuan Urahara membuat 4 pilar roh pemindah tempat agar kota yang sebenarnya tidak hancur. Barragan (Espada 2) yang mengetahui hal ini menyuruh para Fraccsion untuk menghancurkan keempat pilar. Terjadilah pertarungan antara para Fraccsion dengan 4 shinigami yang bertugas menjaga pilar( Hisagi, Yamichika, Ikkaku dan Kira). Disini, hanya ada satu pilar yang hancur, yaitu pilar yang dijaga oleh Ikkaku, karena ikkaku tak ingin mengeluarkan Bankai. Matsumoto yang sekrat akibat bertarung dengan Fraccsion Hallibel ( Espada 3) meski sempat dibantu Hinamori dan Hisagi, Tetsuzaemon dan Kira, membuat Kapten Yamamoto turun tangan dan memusnahkan Fraccsion Hallibel. Hitsugaya berhadapan dengan Hallibel sendiri. Soifon berhadapan dengan Barragan dan Kyoraku berhadapan dengan Stark (Espada 1).

Musim Kelima : The EndMeskipun Ichigo yang berhadapan dengan Ulquiorra di Hueco mundo sekarat, akhirnya berubah menjadi hollow mode bentuk 2,dengan bentuk yg lebih kuat meski tidak bisa di kendalikan, membuat kaki dan tangan Ulquiorra putus. Bahkan karena hilang kontrol membuat Ishida di tusuk pedang Ichigo. Meski demikian Ulquiorra bisa di kalahkan. Ichigopun bergegas pergi ke dunia nyata untuk membantu yang lain. Kenpachi dan Byakuya berhadapan dengan Yammi ( Arrancar 10) yang ternyata berubah menjadi Espada Zero ( nomor 0) dan semakin kuat, membuat Kenpachi dan Byakuya kewalahan. Di dunia nyata Hitsugaya mulai terdesak karena Hallibel berubah menjadi bentuk hollow ke 2. Soifon yang berhadapan dengan Barragan yang ternyata adalah mantan raja kerajaan Hollow bahkan kehilangan tangan kirinya akibat jurus racun yang dikeluarkan Barragan. kyoraku pun terdesak setelah Stark berubah bentuk jadi hollow tingkat 2. Disaat yang terdesak inilah, Vizard datang. Mereka mmbantu para teman lamanya para shinigami. Lisa membantu Hitsugaya, Rose dan love membantu Kyoraku dan Hachi membantu Soifon. Kensei dan Mashiro menghajar Gillian dan Hollow yang datang dari Hueco Mundo. Hiyori dan Shinji menghadapi Aizen, disaat inilah pedang Ichimaru menebas tubuh Hiyori, dan Hiyoripun tewas. Shinji yang marah mengeluarkan Shikai pedangnya tetapi Aizen tetap tidak kalah. Di pihak lain, Komamura berhadapan dengan mantan sahabatnya Kaname tousen, dibantu Hisagi. Hisagi adalah mantan wakil kapten Tousen. Tousen yang berubah sampai bentuk ke 3 Hollow membuat Hisagi dan Komamura hampir mati. Ttapi, akhirnya di tangan mantan wakinya sendiri, Hisagi berhasil menusuk tenggorokan Tousen. Aizen yang melihat kekalahan Tousen, menghabisi nyawa Tousen. Saat semua para kapten dan wakil kapten menyerang Aizen, Ichigo yang sedang dalam perjalanan dengan Kapten Unohana memberi tahu bahwa cuma Ichigo yang belum terhipnotis dan Ichigo yang bisa mengalahkan Aizen baik di dunia nyata, Hueco Mundo maupun Soul Society.Kedatangan ichigo untuk mengalahkan aizen di sambut oleh gotei 13 dan vaizard yang berjanji untuk melindunginya.Namun walau seluruh gotei 13 dan vaizard menyerang aizen ,aizen dapat menghabisi mereka dengan mudah.Kemudian tibalah saatnya ichigo berhadapan dengan aizen namun lagi lagi perlawanan ichigo tidak berpengaruh apa apa oleh aizen disaat yang kritis itulah akhirnya isshin kurosaki ayah ichigo tiba dan membantunya untuk mengalahkan aizen,setelah kedatangan ayahnya akhirnya ichigo menyerang ichimaru dan ayahnya menyerang aizen disaat itulah ichimaru mengeluarkan bankai nya,dan dimana saat itu isshin ayah ichigo menyerang aizen dengan kekuatan yang penuh,namun tak berpengaruh apa-apa,dan isshin menembakkan paku ke hati aizen,dan aizen mengeluarkan bakudou nya yang bernama Raikouhou,dan di pertarungan ichigo,ichimaru mengeluarkan bankai nya yang bernama kamishini no yari,yang membuat panjang pedangnya menjadi 13 km,dimana sekali menebas semua bangunan akan terpotong dan hancur,dan ichigo menahan serangan ichimaru dengan bankainya,tetapi dia terluka sedikit saat menahannya. ichigo berhasil menahan bankai dari gin,tetapi gin terus berusaha mendesak ichigo denngan ber bagai serangan,namun Aizen tiba-tiba mengeluarkan lapisan kekuatan Hougyoku nya ke tubuhnya,dengan perlahan-lahan tubuhnya dipenuhi oleh lapisan reiatsu tebal hougyoku nya,dan semakin kuat,tiba-tiba urahara kisuke datang disaat ichigo dan isshin kesusahan,dan kisuke melawan aizen dengan adu tanding Bakudou (nyanyian Roh Penyerang),lalu Yoruichi tiba saat aizen Lapisan Hogyoku nya semakin tebal sampai ke wajahnya,sedangkan Rangiku Matsumoto ingin mencoba pergi ke Lokasi pertarungan, ichimaru,Sahabat lama nya,yang di lihat oleh kira izuru,Dan saat Isshin,Kisuke,Yoruichi melawan aizen,Isshin mengeluarkan kemampuan zanpakutonya yang Sama seperti anaknya bernama Getsuga Tenshou, tetapi tidak berhasil melukai aizen. Akhirnya tubuh aizen berubah menjadi wujud yang baru setelah bergabung sempurna dengan hogyoku. Lalu dengan kekuatan barunya tersebut berhasil melukai Isshin, Kisuke, dan yorouichi. Lalu aizen dan gin pergi menuju ke kota Karakura yang berada di soul society meninggalkan para musuhnya yang terluka. Dilain pihak isshin dan Ichigo yang masih selamat dari serangan Aizen pergi menuju soul soceity dengan gerbang senkaimon yang dibuka oleh Isshin. Setiba di soul society Isshin memberitahu ichigo tentang jurus akhir getsuga tenshou.Setelah itu Isshin menyuruh Ichigo untuk pergi menemui Zangetsu untuk mempelajari jurus akhir getsuga tenshou. Tetapi Zangetsu menolak mengajarkan jurus akhir getsuga tenshou. Singkat cerita, agar Ichigo dapt mempelajari jurus tersebut Ichigo harus melawan Tensa Zangetsu dan holow icihigo mode ke 2 sekaligus,yang bersatu menjadi satu melawan Ichigo.Ditempat lain gin menghianati aizen dengan menyerang Hogyoku milik aizen.Membuat aizen terluka cukup parah,tetapi tidak cukup untuk membunuh aizen.setelah itu aizen menyerang gin,sampai gin terluka parah. setelah aizen menyerang gin,ichigo datang dengan memanggul ayahnya.aizen kaget dengan kedatangan ichigo dikarenakan aizen tidak bisa merasakan reatsu dari ichigo bahkan teman-temannya pun tidak bisa merasakan reiatsu ichigo,bahkan hanya dengan tebasan ichigo,ichigo dapat membelah gunung.setelah itu ichigo langsung menyerang aizen dan berkata pada aizen bahwa dia lebih kuat dari aizen yang sekarang.aizen berubah bentuk menjadi seperti hollow karena didesak oleh serangan ichigo.setelah itu ichigo mengaktifkan final getsuga tenshou tetapi ichigo akan kehilangan seluruh kekeuatan shinigaminya.

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
BirthdayJuly 31[1]
Height186 cm (6'1")[2]
Weight80 kg (176 lbs.)[2]
Professional Status
Previous AffiliationAizen's Arrancar Army
Previous Occupation6th Espada in Sōsuke Aizen's Army, Arrancar #12[2]
Previous TeamEspada
Previous PartnerShawlong KūfangEdrad Liones,Yylfordt GranzDi Roy Rinker andNakeem Grindina
Base of OperationsLas NochesHueco Mundo
Personal Status
First Appearance
Manga DebutVolume 23, Chapter 198
Anime DebutEpisode 116
Video Game DebutBleach: Shattered Blade
Japanese VoiceJunichi Suwabe
English VoiceDavid Vincent
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (グリムジョー・ジャガージャック,Gurimujō Jagājakku)[2], sometimes romanized asGrimmjow Jeagerjaques[3] or Grimmjow Jaegerjaques[4], is a prominent member in the Aizen-affiliated army of Arrancar, and the sexta (6th) Espada. He is often considered to be Ichigo Kurosaki's rival in terms of personality, and is one of the series' central antagonists.

Grimmjow has light-blue spiky hair and eyes, and also has green lines below them, similar to the eye markings on thePanthera genus of cats, as well as the red marks onIkkaku Madarame's eyes. Grimmjow's attire consists of a white hakama and a black sash; his white jacket is ragged with an upturned collar. The inner lining is black, the sleeves are rolled up, and Grimmjow wears it open, leaving a muscular chest revealed. The remains of his Hollow mask consist of the right jawbone, and his Hollow hole has moved to his abdomen. His tattoo number (6) is located at his back, near the right side of his Hollow hole. Since his first fight with Ichigo, Grimmjow sports a large scar on his torso, which several characters make remarks to.Appearance


Grimmjow appears to be a laid-back and irreverent individual at first glance, but this scruffy exterior hides a brutal, impulsive, excessively-violent personality and a lethally-short temper. Grimmjow is blunt, sarcastic, and quite sadistic, revealing a psychotic grin whenever he becomes excited, much like Kenpachi Zaraki or Hollow Ichigo. He displays little respect for authority and says whatever is on his mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. This attitude leads to conflicts with Kaname Tōsen, who holds Grimmjow in the same low regard as he did with Kenpachi Zaraki. He also has conflicts withUlquiorra Cifer, the 4th Espada, usually because Ulquiorra interrupts his battles or otherwise clashes with Grimmjow's ideals, and confidently believes Ulquiorra's powers to be weaker than his, a point he is eager to prove. He develops an additional grudge against Ichigo Kurosaki for wounding him during their first and second fights, and is eager to return the favor. He intentionally kept the large scar on his chest from their first battle as a reminder of this. Grimmjow is also infuriated by Ichigo's belief that he can defeat him regardless of how badly he is injured, which Grimmjow sees as Ichigo looking down on him.
Grimmjow is a very rude and disrespectful character. He uses none of the honorifics in the Japanese language, except when addressing Aizen (though he is quick to discard the formality when Aizen is not around), and refers to Orihime as woman in conversation. However, he does have some form of a code of honor, as he is unwilling to fight an injured Ichigo, bringing Orihime to heal him beforehand so that their battle will be a fair one, though he also wants to defeat Ichigo when he is at full strength. He also saves Orihime from Loly Aivirrne and Menoly Mallia, who were beating her up, to repay the debt of restoring his arm, though he immediately demands another favor afterwards. Despite his aggression and obvious bloodlust in battle, he possesses a feral cunning and has a knack for quickly exploiting any opening his opponent reveals.


Grimmjow as an Adjuchas.

Before Grimmjow became an Arrancar, he was a panther-like Adjuchas-class Menos. At one point he came across the Adjuchas-class Menos group ofShawlong KūfangEdrad LionesYylfordt GranzNakeem Grindina, and Di Roy Rinker. Di Roy decided to eat him but before Di Roy could act, Grimmjow attacked him and ate a chunk of Di Roy's head. The group was impressed at his strength and they introduced themselves. Their leader Shawlong asked that Grimmjow join them, and the group bowed to him. Shawlong then explained that they have no intention of remaining Adjuchas or Gillians. They vowed to become Vasto Lorde, but in order to do that they needed strength that they can use to pull themselves up, and they had seen that strength in Grimmjow. Shawlong asked that Grimmjow lead them as their king.
Sometime later Shawlong told Grimmjow that the group has given up. Yylfordt explained that they have given up in their quest to evolve into Vasto Lorde. They had eaten over one thousand Hollows and haven't felt their power increase anymore. As of that day they had eaten three thousand so they know for certain to continue on would be pointless. Grimmjow told them that if they wanted to give up then it was fine but he would have nothing to do with it. Shawlong then asked Grimmjow if he would eat them, and noted that since Grimmjow had already taken a piece of Di Roy, he would never evolve into a Vasto Lorde and that in conjunction their evolution would end where it was at as well. Grimmjow called them cowards but Shawlong interrupted him and explained that they have become enlightened. It is not only to the fact that they would never become Vasto Lorde, but it was something they knew even before becoming Hollows. They knew that they would always only be Adjuchas and that Grimmjow would have been the only one to evolve beyond that stage.


Arrancar arc

Grimmjow is first introduced scolding Ulquiorra Cifer for not killing Ichigo Kurosaki, believing that he might become a threat in the future. After almost getting into a confrontation with Yammy, Ulquiorra tries to explain that Aizen is not looking at Ichigo in his current state but his rate of growth. He argues that his power while great is more than likely be what destroys him or cause him to become one of their pawns. Grimmjow doesn't believe in that reasoning and notes that he is just as likely to become more powerful and become a real threat. Ulquiorra mentions that if that were to happen he would simply end Ichigo's existence.
Grimmjow later decides to rectify Ulquiorra's "mistake", and leads his Fracción to Karakura Town in an unauthorized mission. Upon using Pesquisa to determine that there are more spiritually powerful beings in the area then when Ulquiorra was there, Grimmjow tells his team to be careful and to kill anyone with even the slightest Spiritual Pressure.

Grimmjow blocking Ichigo's Zanpakutō with his bare hands.

After Rukia Kuchiki comes to Ichigo Kurosaki's aid and kills Grimmjow's Fraccion Di Roy Rinker they are both confronted by Grimmjow who introduces himself as the 6th Arrancar. Grimmjow approaches them and asks who is strongest. Rukia yells to Ichigo to get back, but before she can react Grimmjow is upon her and impales his hand right into her stomach, noting that she is not the strongest. An enraged Ichigo quickly moves to attack Grimmjow. As Ichigo attacks him Grimmjow effortlessly blocks the blade with his hand, pushing Ichigo away. Grimmjow decides to toy with Ichigo goading him to release his Bankai and attack him. After threatening to do to Ichigo what he did to Rukia an angered Ichigo quickly complies to the request and releases. Once again Ichigo moves to attack but Grimmjow easily steps out of the way of the attack and grabs Ichigo's sword with his bare hand and uses it as leverage to throw Ichigo blocks away from him. Grimmjow moves to attack Ichigo who uses his enhanced speed to appear behind him, much to the Espada's surprise. He easily counters Ichigo's attack blocking it with his forearm and follows up with multiple kicks to Ichigo's head, sending him crashing into the buildings below. Grimmjow states he is unimpressed with Ichigo's Bankai, noting that it only enhances his speed. As the smoke clears Ichigo revels that he has recovered and unleashes his Getsuga Tenshō, Grimmjow blocks it but it still lands a direct hit greatly scarring his torso. Rather than being enraged Grimmjow is surprised and delighted at the technique.
Grimmjow laughs noting that this turn of events is great seeing as now he finds Ichigo worth killing. Grimmjow takes out his Zanpakutō and states that Ichigo shouldn't just stand there as now its his turn. But before Grimmjow can act he is stopped by the arrival of Kaname Tōsen, who tells him to sheath his sword. Grimmjow becomes enraged that Tōsen is there prompting an explanation. Tōsen tells him that he has attacked the Human World, mobilizing five Arrancar without permission and leading them to their deaths as well as the fact that it was all against orders. He tells him that Aizen is furious and that his punishment will be decided in Hueco Mundo. Tōsen opens a Garganta and the two leave much to Grimmjow's unwillingness. When Ichigo demands him to come back as their fight isn't over yet, Grimmjow states that he is a fool, as the only reason he still lives is because the fight isn't over. He then notes how Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō is damaging his own body and that its use is limited. Even if he could continuously use the technique its still not powerful enough to defeat his released state. He then tells Ichigo to remember his name and to pray that he never hears it again, for if he does, it will be that last thing he hears.

Grimmjow with his arm cut off by Kaname Tōsen.

When Aizen refuses to punish Grimmjow, Tōsen askes that he be allowed to execute him. Grimmjow notes that he must have a personal problem with him which causes Tōsen to explain that he serves justice and doesn't tolerate those who sow discord. He then suddenly severs and incinerates Grimmjow's left arm. Enraged Grimmjow moves to attack him but is quickly told to stop by Aizen, who reminds him that if he were to attack Tōsen he would have no reason to pardon him. Realizing his situation Grimmjow reluctantly leaves.
A month later, Grimmjow is present at the creation of Wonderweiss Margela. Shortly after Aizen personally sends Grimmjow on the next invasion, along with Yammy Llargo, Wonderweiss, and his replacement, Luppi Antenor. Upon arrival Grimmjow notes that Ichigo isn't present in the group of Shinigamithey encounter and leaves to track him down.  Grimmjow and Ichigo encounter each other with Ichigo promising to show him how much has changed in the past month. Ichigo activates his Bankai. Grimmjow reminds him that his Bankai serves no purpose as he was completely helpless against him last time. In turn Ichigo reminds him that it was his Bankai technique is what gave him that scar across his torso. He then asks him what happened to his arm, to which Grimmjow states that he threw it away because he doesn't need two arms to kill him. Ichigo promises not to hold back and reveals his Hollowfication, greatly surprising Grimmjow. He moves fast to attack but Grimmjow unsheathes his Zanpakutō fast enough to counter the attack. Ichigo then releases his Getsuga Tenshōat point blank range. Grimmjow survives the attack but sustains grievous injuries and notes that the power Ichigo is using is not that of a Shinigami and asks him what has he been doing this past month. In response Ichigo fires another Getsuga Tenshō so fast that Grimmjow can't do anything but attempt to block it. Before Grimmjow realizes Ichigo appears behind him and fires another Getsuga Tenshō, causing Grimmjow to be hit from two sides sending him falling out the sky. Ichigo moves to go after him but Grimmjow recovers and fires aCero, which Ichigo blocks only for Grimmjow to appear behind him. He tries to attack but Ichigo senses him and counters his attack. In that instant Ichigo's mask breaks and Grimmjow quickly takes the upper hand and bats Ichigo away.

Grimmjow's battle is stopped by Ulquiorra.

As Ichigo falls Grimmjow slashes him across his chest. As he continues his assault he notes to Ichigo that he seemed to lose power and began to strain to use his power, he states that he has taken his share of damage but the battle is now over as in the end Ichigo's power wasn't enough to defeat him. As their fight moves down to the street level Grimmjow keeps up the assault. When Ichigo attempts to summon his mask it fails, Grimmjow simply kicks him sending him flying blocks away. Grimmjow remarks what he has observed about Ichigo's mask but states that in any case he won't be using it again as he uses his Zanpakutō and stabs Ichigo in his arm pinning his sword hand to the ground. He then charges a Cero intent on incinerating Ichigo's head entirely, but before he can fire it his arm is encased in ice. Rukia shows up to save Ichigo, she then releases her Hakuren technique freezing Grimmjow in ice. As she tries to free Ichigo her ice is quickly broken and Grimmjow grabs her by the head and charges his Cero, as he scolds her for underestimating him enough to think that she could freeze him to death. Ichigo tries to stop Grimmjow but his arm is pinned to the ground. Shinji Hirako arrives and saves Rukia. He makes note that he hates getting involved in Shinigami fights, but concedes that when one hears the sound of fighting so close by one just can't ignore it. When Grimmjow asks him who he is Shinji tells him it doesn't matter and Grimmjow proceeds to attack him. Having a small discussion with Grimmjow, he is then suddenly attacked by the Espada, who declares his intentions of killing him. Dodging all of the attacks, Shinji realizes how violent Grimmjow is and the fight is destroying everything around them. Thus, Shinji dons his Hollow mask much to Grimmjow's shock as Shinji engages the Espada. Shinji tells Grimmjow that he is sorry but he seems strong so he can't take it easy on him, as he prepares to fire a Cero at the Espada. The blast sends Grimmjow hurtling to the city below. Shinji then tells him that he knows the Espada minimized the damage of the Cero by hitting it with his own. An enraged Grimmjow pulls out his Zanpakutō and begins to release, but Ulquiorra Cifer comes and retrieves Grimmjow before he can do so.

Hueco Mundo arcEdit Hueco Mundo arc sectionEdit

Orihime Inoue restores Grimmjow's arm to demonstrate her powers.

Once back in Las Noches, Aizen has Orihime Inoue restore Grimmjow's arm as a demonstration of her power. Grimmjow has her bring back his Espada tattoo, as well, and impales Luppi Antenor through the chest with his arm in order to regain his rank once she finishes. He then incinerates Luppi's entire upper body at point blank range. Later, he attends a meeting called by Aizen, who tells the Espada that they are being invaded by Ichigo Kurosaki,Uryū Ishida, and Yasutora Sado. Grimmjow tries to leave but is stopped by Aizen who uses his Reiatsu to force Grimmjow onto the floor. Aizen then orders the Espada to wait for the intruders.
After learning about Ichigo's defeat by Ulquiorra, Grimmjow breaks into Orihime's room while Loly and Menoly are attacking her. Grimmjow easily beats and knocks out Loly and then kills Menoly with a point-blank Cero, then rips off Loly's leg. Grimmjow reveals that he saved Orihime because of her giving him back his arm. He then demands she help him run an errand. Once they both arrive where Ichigo was defeated, he tells Orihime to heal him. She succeeds in reviving him but Grimmjow insists she heal him fully as he wants to settle their score against each other. Orihime complains but Grimmjow scolds her and tells her to do what she's told, however Ulquiorra appears behind interrupting them.

Grimmjow attacks Ulquiorra

Ulquiorra questions Grimmjow's reason for being there, and starts walking towards him demanding an answer. Grimmjow smirks, not saying anything. Ulquiorra then asks Grimmjow to hand Orihime over, stating that she is to be in his care. Grimmjow, refusing to hand her over, quickly attacks Ulquiorra, saying how Ulquiorra is afraid to fight him because he thinks Grimmjow would crush him. Using a Cero, Grimmjow blasts Ulquiorra in the air but he deflects the attack. Then, Ulquiorra uses Sonído to appear above Grimmjow and fire his own Cero. Grimmjow blocks it, and the tower explodes. Grimmjow then uses Caja Negación to seal away Ulquiorra. He then demands Orihime to continue healing Ichigo, to which she refuses as she knows he just wishes to hurt him. Ichigo gets up and tells him to let her go as he asks Orihime to continue to heal him and then Grimmjow who had taken damage from Ulquiorra's Cero. As Ichigo wanted them to be able to fight on equal ground.

Grimmjow's Gran Rey Cero

Gimmjow and Ichigo face off against each other. Grimmjow goes to fire a Cero but Ichigo blocks it with his sword and proceeds to use his Getsuga Tenshō but before he can release it Grimmjow throws his Zanpakutō and uses his other hand to fire a Cero which destroys a nearby structure but the two blasts cancel each other out and the two are left unharmed. Then Grimmjow vows to kill Ichigo. Grimmjow retrieves his Zanpakutō and attacks Ichigo as they go toe-to-toe he asks Ichigo what is the true reason he came to Hueco Mundo, noting that if he really came to save Orihime he would have left with her as soon as he saw her. He then explains that the real reason is that he wanted to fight, as at his core he is a Shinigami fighting a Hollow. Grimmjow states its a natural instinct to fight just as it has been for thousands of years. They continue to battle and Grimmjow fires a Cero to which Ichigo counters with a Getsuga Tenshō. His Cero overtakes Ichigo's technique but Ichigo side steps the attack before he is hit. Grimmjow appears behind Ichigo using Sonído, but Ichigo detects him and counters his attack but he still gets cut. Grimmjow lands and places his Zanpakutō in the ground, he then cuts his hand and fires a Gran Rey Cero at Orihime and Nel Tu. Ichigo seeing this dons his Hollow mask and moves in time to block the blast. In response Grimmjow releases his Resurrección, to which he then screams which lets out a Shockwave and then launches himself at Ichigo. He sends Ichigo flying, crashing into multiple structures. He quickly moves and attacks Ichigo with vicious kicks and hitting Ichigo sending him crashing into a large structure below. Ichigo instantly appears behind Grimmjow and uses his Getsuga Tenshō, Grimmjow only starts to laugh maniacally and tells Ichigo how much he hates his "eyes".

Ichigo with his Hollow mask fighting Grimmjow in his released state.

Grimmjow goes to strike Ichigo's mask but he grabs his hand and then slashes him with a Getsuga Tenshō enhanced attack slashing Grimmjow across his chest. He then goes on the offensive but Grimmjow counters and their fight continues with great ferocity. Grimmjow fires darts out of his elbow but Ichigo dodges them and then jumps in front of them to protect Orihime from them, he then goes back to face Grimmjow. Ichigo slashes Grimmjow again across the torso and as the Espada falls to his knees he grabs Ichigo's blade with his hands and notes that Ichigo actually thinks he can defeat him.Grimmjow impales him in the stomach with his hand he then proceeds to beat Ichigo relentlessly as he berates him from thinking he was more powerful than him. He then vows to smash Ichigo to pieces as he uses his most powerful technique, Desgarrón.

Grimmjow is attacked and incapacitated by Nnoitra.

Ichigo blocks the technique but is forced back; he eventually regains his footing and cuts Grimmjow's technique causing it to shatter to pieces. Ichigo states that he is not the only one who wants to win as he moves to attack him. He cuts through another Desgarrón as he proclaims he will defeat Grimmjow and everyone in his way and leave with his friends. He gets in close and slashes Grimmjow across his torso.
Grimmjow rises once more to challenge Ichigo, but his Resurrección dissipates. Grimmjow refuses to lose to Ichigo and moves to attack him but Ichigo grabs his hand and tells him to stop. But Grimmjow won't listen to reason and moves to attack him again, but Nnoitra Gilga blindsides him.Grimmjow calls him a bastard, to which Nnoitra is surprised that he is still alive and proceeds to finish him off, but Ichigo protects him as Grimmjow lies there severely injured.

Powers & Abilities

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: He is a very proficient hand-to-hand combatant, possessing considerable masterful skill using it as his primary means of attack. He is equally lethal using punches and kicks as well as being highly unpredictable. His fighting technique is incredibly destructive, using his speed and reflexes to quickly take out his opponents. He is skilled enough to even hold his own against stronger opponents for short amounts of time.
Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: Although he usually prefers hand-to-hand combat, Grimmjow is also able to fight effectively with his Zanpakutō. He is shown holding his own against Ichigo who at the time was using Bankai and Hollowfied, when he only had one arm. He then is shown holding his own against Shinji Hirako as Shinji wore his Hollow mask. In one-on-one battle against Ichigo, he is seen showing considerable skill in swordsmanship.
Pesquisa: Grimmjow has demonstrated this ability when he and his Fracción invaded Karakura Town, during which he displayed he could detect targets from a considerable distance.
Hierro: As the Sexta Espada, Grimmjow has the passive ability known as Hierro. Grimmjow's Hierro is strong enough to effortlessly block the sharp edge of a released blade Shikai with his bare hand, later showing the density of his skin by being able to grab Ichigo's Bankai blade, blocking with his bare hand with no damage. He is able to survive a point blank range Getsuga Tenshō though emerging with grievous injuries, Grimmjow then withstands being frozen by Rukia's Shikai, noting that simply freezing the top layer of his skin isn't enough to kill him.
Enhanced Strength: Grimmjow is shown using his strength to push back Ichigo with little effort. He is shown throwing Ichigo at a considerable distance using Ichigo's own sword that he had grabbed a hold of during an attack. His kicks are strong enough to strike an opponent with enough force to have them sent flying with enough force to destroy several buildings in the surrounding area. He was also shown impaling Luppi, his Espada replacement, through the chest with relative ease despite the other's Hierro.
Great Spiritual Power: His spirit energy is very high, noted by Rukia to be "worlds apart" from his Fracción and making her wonder if he was even the same species.
Highly Perceptive Combatant: Grimmjow is able to discern from simple observation that upon his first fight with Ichigo that his Bankai enhanced Getsuga Tenshō was damaging his body. He also notes that Ichigo is capable of 2 to 3 more of those attacks at best. Upon his second fight with Ichigo, he makes note that Ichigo was straining to use his Hollowfication for as soon as his mask came off his breathing instantly became quicker, but he notes that it may not be so simple as that, denoting that it must have something to do with him having taken so much damage or because he's lost too much spiritual energy or maybe that it has a limit to the amount of time he can use it. Upon his third fight with Ichigo, he notes that he extended the amount of time he can stay in his masked state.
Cero: Grimmjow is capable of firing a red Cero from the palm of his hand, as well as his fist. He has shown firing it at point-blank range to increase its lethality as when he incinerates the top half of Luppi after regaining his arm and rank. He again uses it at point-blank range against Menoly, incinerating her. His Cero is powerful enough to neutralize the Cero of fellow Espada Ulquiorra Cifer during their brief scuffle, even though it badly burned his right arm from his hand to his elbow. Grimmjow has also shown the ability to fire one Cero from each hand.

Grimmjow using Gran Rey Cero

  • Gran Rey Cero: As an Espada, he is able to use this Espada-exclusive Cero variant, which produces a much larger and more powerful version of the normal Cero, enough to potentially cause great damage to Las Noches itself. For this reason, Aizen banned its use inside the fortress, although Grimmjow clearly ignored this during his last battle with Ichigo. In order to fire it, it seems Grimmjow must first cut his own hand on his Zanpakutō, mixing his blood with the Cero. Grimmjow's Gran Rey Cero is colored blue.
Garganta: Garganta is how Arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. Grimmjow demonstrated this ability during his own personal invasion of Karakura Town. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.
Sonído Master: As the 6th Espada, Grimmjow is very proficient in the use of Sonído. Even in his unreleased state, he is able to keep up with Ichigo Kurosaki while using Tensa Zangetsu. Initially, Grimmjow could even surprise and overwhelm Ichigo with his speed.


Pantera (豹王 (パンテラ), Pantera; Spanish for "Panther", Japanese for "Panther King"). His Zanpakutō's tsuba resembles a rigid, crooked "S," while the sheath and handle are light blue.

Grimmjow's Resurrección form, damaged during his battle with Ichigo.

  • Resurrección: His release command for his Zanpakutō is "Grind" (軋れ, kishire), referring to grinding one's teeth. To release his Zanpakutō, he holds it up, like the start of a low sweep stroke, with his right hand. The sword glows as he puts his left hand up to it. He then rakes his hand along the length of the blade, with a swift motion, while calling out its release command, in turn releasing a torrent of spiritual power that causes tremendous gusts of wind in the immediate vicinity. Grimmjow's appearance changes drastically to something more feline and predatory. His teeth become jagged and sharp, his hands turn into black claws and his feet become black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail. His hair becomes very long and flowing, and the markings around his eyes enlarge and extend to the tips of his ears, which become cat-like. He loses his distinctive jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of a headgear on his forehead. His clothing changes to become a form-fitting white segmented armor, similar to his original Adjuchas-Hollow form. He has blades protruding from his forearms and his calves. 
Resurrección Special Ability: His abilities while released include:
  • Enhanced Hierro: Grimmjow's Hierro receives an augmentation as well. He was hit by a point-blank Getsuga Tenshō from Ichigo Kurosaki in his Visored state and received no visible damage.
  • Enhanced Speed & Agility: Complimenting his already impressive speed and power, Grimmjow's released state augments his speed drastically, giving him animalistic agility and movement to match, allowing him to keep up with the masked-enhanced Bankai of Ichigo.
  • Enhanced Strength: His strikes pack enough power to incidentally destroy large skyscraper-sized pillars in Las Noches via collateral damage during the fight with Ichigo. His strength was also enough to send Ichigo through several buildings with one strike, as well as send him flying hundreds of feet, merely with a few light punches and kicks.
  • Shockwaves: When in his released form, he can roar loudly enough to create shockwaves in the air and surrounding area, powerful enough to throw off his opponents.

Grimmjow firing five Darts

  • Darts: He can also fire a large number of explosive "darts" from his elbows with enough charge to demolish huge buildings. They take the appearance of dark green crystalline unevenly cut stones. A Hollow Mask-enhanced Ichigo was somewhat able to withstand 5 of them, and continue fighting.

Grimmjow performing Desgarrón, his most powerful technique.

  • Desgarrón (豹王の爪 (デスガロン), desugaron; Spanish for "Tear", Japanese for "Panther King's Claw"): His strongest attack; His claws glow and then he makes a slashing motion that creates giant "claws" of solidified energy from the end of each finger. The attacks act as a ranged claw attack, which he controls like his regular claw attacks, by using slashing motions. The power and force behind them is considerable and Ichigo was only able to deflect and shatter them through sheer force of will.


Grimmjow's Fracción.

  • Shawlong Kūfang (シャウロン・クーファン, Shauron Kūfan) is the 11th Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army. He was a member, and apparently the leader, of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez' Fracción. His position as the 11th Arrancar before his death, implies that he was the oldest living Números. He was killed by Tōshirō Hitsugaya.
  • Edrad Liones (エドラド・リオネス, Edorado Rionesu) is the 13th Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army and was a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez' Fracción. He was killed by Ikkaku Madarame.
  • Nakeem Grindina (ナキーム・グリンディーナ, Nakīmu Gurindīna) is the 14th Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army and was a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez' Fracción . He was killed by Rangiku Matsumoto.
  • Yylfordt Granz (イールフォルト・グランツ, Īruforuto Gurantsu) is the 15th Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army, as well as a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez' Fracción. Yylfordt is the older brother of Szayel Aporro Granz. He was killed by Renji Abarai.
  • Di Roy Rinker (ディ・ロイ・リンカー, Di Roi Rinkā) or D-Roy as he is also known, is the 16th Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army and was a member of Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez' Fracción. He was killed by Rukia Kuchiki.


Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo KurosakiGrimmjow has developed a vendetta against Ichigo because of the injuries he had received from their initial fights. Therefore, he purposefully kept the scar on his chest made by Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō attack during their first encounter. Moreover, Grimmjow wants to prove Ichigo that he is stronger and is furious with Ichigo because he thinks that Ichigo is looking down on him. Interestingly enough, the two have very similar traits in terms of personality: both of them are reckless, stubborn, rude, witty, sarcastic, self-confident and blunt.

Ulquiorra Cifer

 Ulquiorra CiferGrimmjow is not on good terms with Ulquiorra due to his perceived notion that Ulquiorra is preventing him from achieving his ideals. In addition, Grimmjow was against Ulquiorra's logic about sparing Ichigo and when Aizen took Ulquiorra's point into consideration, Grimmjow initiated an invasion on Karakura Town with his Fracción in order to kill everybody "with the slightest reiatsu". He also confidently believes Ulquiorra's powers to be weaker than his, a point he is eager to make clear to him.

Sōsuke Aizen

Sōsuke AizenGrimmjow seems to be obedient and respectful to Aizen to a certain degree, but it does not prevent him to act according to his own beliefs and ideas. Aizen is the only person that Grimmjow uses honorifics while addressing him, but he quickly disregards the honorifics when Aizen is not around. It is unknown if Aizen now views Grimmjow as a traitor due to his decisions regarding Ichigo; his fight with Ulquiorra, a fellow Espada, is enough for Aizen to consider him as such. Although Aizen may not even care, one way or the other, if Grimmjow disobeyed him as his ultimate fate after his last fight with Ichigo is still unknown.

Kaname Tōsen

Kaname TōsenTōsen holds Grimmjow in the same low regard as he did Kenpachi Zaraki due to their blood lust and refusal to adhere to the "law". He wanted Grimmjow executed for invading Karakura Town without orders, believing that Grimmjow was doing nothing more than attempting slaughter, but Aizen denies Tōsen's request. Instead, Tōsen cuts off Grimmjow's arm, knowing he would be demoted. Grimmjow is well aware that Tōsen doesn't like him and nearly attacks him for cutting off his arm, only to be restrained by Aizen, who states that "[he] won't be able to forgive [him] if he attacks Kaname".

His Fracción

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez#FracciónThey were obedient and loyal to Grimmjow, but did not use any honorifics while referring to him. After they were killed during their invasion of Karakura Town, Grimmjow showed no signs of anger or sorrow, just surprise at the fact that an entire squad of Arrancar (excluding himself) was eliminated by "a bunch of low-level Shinigami".

Appearances in Other Media

Grimmjow is a playable character in several different Bleach Video Games. He appears in Bleach: Heat the Soul 4Bleach: Heat the Soul 5Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 and Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 of the Bleach: Heat the Soul series. He also appears in Bleach: Shattered Blade and Bleach: Versus Crusade of the Nintendo home console series, and Bleach: Blade Battlers 2nd of the Bleach: Blade Battlers series. In Bleach: Shattered Blade, he is capable of firing blue Bala blasts at his foe. In Bleach: Blade Battlers 2nd, he has a unique charge attack that looked like a small, black Getsuga Tenshō, but the outline is purple instead of red and his Cero is blue instead of red. He also has a cameo and artwork in Bleach: Dark Souls and appears in the RPG Bleach: The 3rd Phantomas a technique-type enemy, but becomes a speed-type while in his Resurrección form. In Bleach: The 3rd Phantom, he is able to use a stronger close-range version of Cero called the Agarrar Cero, in which he blasts his opponent at point-blank range, and is capable of causing burns, similar to his usage from the series. In addition, he can also use Bala, and can even use all of his skills in his released form, including the Gran Rey Cero. In addition, he is also able to use the Desgarrón technique. The newer installments, Bleach: Heat the Soul 5,Bleach: Heat the Soul 6Bleach: Heat the Soul 7, and Bleach: Versus Crusade feature Grimmjow in his released state as well. In Bleach: Versus Crusade, he is capable of using Cero and Gran Rey Cero, and he retains the standard Cero technique in his released form. He also has his own character album as part of the Bleach Beat Collection 3rd Session. The two vocal tracks are entitled BrEaK and Six feelings.


In the anime, during Grimmjow's first fight with Ichigo, Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō gave Grimmjow a large burn on his chest and a small burn on both of his wrists and the left side of his forehead. In the manga, however, he was bleeding profusily from all said places, as well as his right thigh.
Also in the manga, when Grimmjow comes to rescue Orihime Inoue from Loly and Menoly, he kicks Loly in her stomach. Additionally, after he kills Menoly, he grabs Loly by her leg and breaks it off. This was omitted in the anime. Also, instead of kicking Loly, he simply slaps her away, and after killing Menoly, he scares her before knocking her out.


  • The theme song Tite Kubo chose for Grimmjow is "Bomb LA(A Bombs) - Step Inside" from [And Just Constantly Rotating].
  • Grimmjow's aspect of death is Destruction.
  • Grimmjow's name stems from that of Nicholas Grimshaw, an English architect noted for modernist buildings.
  • Grimmjow was voted the fourth most popular Bleach character in the latest Shōnen Jump popularity poll after receiving 4987 votes.
  • His Zanpakutō, Pantera, came 9th in the Zanpakutō poll.
  • In the Bleach best bout poll Grimmjow's final fight with Ichigo tied for third place.


  • (To his Fracción) "I don't care who they are, if they show even a bit of reiatsu, we just kill them all."
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "You underestimating me, Shinigami? I still don't quite feel like killing you, yet. Get a grip and come on! Show me your Bankai. If you don't, I'll do the same thing I did to that little Shinigami over there and put a freakin' hole in you!"
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "I threw it away before I got here, 'cause I won't need two arms to kill you."
  • (To Shinji Hirako) "Damn right. Who you are has nothing to do with killing you!"[89]
  • (To Kaname Tōsen) "It's best to crush insects quickly once they've gotten inside, right?"
  • "They're all cowards, every damn one of them. Whatever. I'll just consume them. As they become my flesh and blood, they will see beyond. I... I am the king!"
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "Those eyes. You're always like that. No matter how much I beat you up, you've got this sense about you that you're going to beat me. You think you're freaking stronger than me! I can't freakin' stand it!"
  • "Whether you're a Human, or a Shinigami or an Arrancar, anyone who looks at me like they're underestimating my power, I'll smash every one of 'em into oblivion!"
  • (To Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck"Shut the hell up. Enough with the screamin' kid. Next time you make a fuss, I'm gonna blast you into next week!"'
  • (About Ulquiorra Cifer) "I'll show him what you get when you mess around with someone else's prey."
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "You are a Shinigami and I am a Hollow! Whichever side losses will be annihilated. That's how it's always been for thousands of years. Do you need any other reason to fight? Come on. The one who remains standing will return alive. That's all it comes down to!"
  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "Like I'd lose... There's no way in hell I'd ever lose to someone like you!"

Light Yagami Kira - Death Note

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